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Is a breastfeeding photoshoot for me?

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Newborn breastfeeding photoshoot lifestyle session.

Life as a breastfeeding mum can be empowering, beautiful, grounding, difficult and exhausting amongst a thousand other emotions that change and evolve each day we feed our little ones. We are literally growing, nurturing and comforting a tiny human using our bodies, how amazing is that? This incredible, often challenging but invariably rewarding journey and the bond that breastfeeding can create should be celebrated, and what better way than by capturing raw, natural moments between you and your child with a breastfeeding photoshoot?

A mother breastfeeds her newborn baby boy during an in-home breastfeeding photoshoot.

Whether you choose to take a few quiet moments together to feed during a lull in your family session, incorporate some breastfeeding images into your newborn shoot or if you decide to invest in a breastfeeding photoshoot specifically to document your breastfeeding journey, I can be there to capture your connection in a relaxed and candid way. A breastfeeding photoshoot with me is designed to reflect the individuality of your authentic breastfeeding relationship, capturing those looks of love, the hair twiddling, skin pinching, foot waving and face grabbing as they happen naturally! Those beautifully ‘imperfect’ moments are the ones that will mean the most when you look back on your photos in years to come.

A mother breastfeeding her baby girl during a lifestyle breastfeeding photoshoot.

Including a few breastfeeding photos in a first birthday or six month milestone lifestyle session can be a great way to mark your breastfeeding milestones, or why not spend a few moments breastfeeding your little one during your motherhood mini shoot?

What should I wear for a breastfeeding photoshoot?

My three top tips for deciding on an outfit for your breastfeeding photoshoot are:

  • Be comfortable – both physically and in yourself. Choose an outfit that makes you feel beautiful, strong and confident (just as you should!­) and which you can comfortably sit, lie and snuggle with your little one in without feeling restricted or uncomfortable.

  • Opt for easy-access! Choosing a dress or top with a low-cut, wrap front, elasticated or button-up neckline makes life much easier when you’re breastfeeding during a photoshoot. Try on your outfit beforehand and check how it looks when worn without feeding and when pulled down or opened to allow your child to feed – check that the fabric doesn’t bunch up or pull awkwardly in either position.

  • Think about underwear – choose a pretty nursing bra that goes with your outfit as it’s likely to be showing at least partly in your photos, or alternatively opt for an outfit that you feel comfortable wearing braless, whichever works for you!

A mother breastfeeds her twin baby girls during an indoor breastfeeding photography session.

I have a small selection of dresses available to borrow free of charge for your photoshoot – these are bump-friendly, breastfeeding-friendly and adaptable to a variety of sizes.

Are you wondering if a breastfeeding photoshoot is for you? What's been holding you back? Or do you regret not documenting your breastfeeding journey when you had the chance? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

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4 комментария

07 мар. 2023 г.

Such intimate photos of such an important time in a mothers life


06 мар. 2023 г.

I absolutely love this blog, so many great tips and information!


04 мар. 2023 г.

Absolutely love captures of breastfeeding! Such a precious beautiful bond between mother and child(ren)


03 мар. 2023 г.

Such an intimate special time, beautifully captured!

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